

Kubeapps asset-syncer Developer Guide

The asset-syncer component is a tool that scans a Helm chart repository and populates chart metadata in the database. This metadata is then served by the Helm plugin of the kubeapps-apis component.


Download the Kubeapps source code

git clone https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/kubeapps $KUBEAPPS_DIR

The asset-syncer sources are located under the cmd/asset-syncer/ directory.

Install Kubeapps in your cluster

Kubeapps is a Kubernetes-native application. To develop and test Kubeapps components we need a Kubernetes cluster with Kubeapps already installed. Follow the Kubeapps installation guide to install Kubeapps in your cluster.

Building the asset-syncer image

make kubeapps/asset-syncer

This builds the asset-syncer Docker image.

Running in development

export DB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace kubeapps kubeapps-db -o go-template='{{index .data "postgres-password" | base64decode}}')
telepresence --namespace kubeapps --docker-run -e DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD --rm -ti kubeapps/asset-syncer /asset-syncer sync --database-user=postgres --database-url=kubeapps-postgresql:5432 --database-name=assets stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com

Note that the asset-syncer should be rebuilt for new changes to take effect.

Running tests

You can run the asset-syncer tests along with the tests for the Kubeapps project:

go test -v ./...

Getting started

Discover how to deploy Kubeapps in your cluster, add some package repositories and start managing your applications!