


This guide walked you through the process of configuring, deploying and using Kubeapps on a VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ cluster. It described the following steps:

  • Configuring an identity management provider in the cluster
  • Integrating Kubeapps with the identity management provider
  • Adjusting the Kubeapps user interface
  • Configuring role-based access control in Kubeapps
  • Deploying Kubeapps in the cluster
  • Adding public and private repositories to Kubeapps
  • Deploying applications through Kubeapps
  • Listing, removing and managing applications through Kubeapps

At the end of this guide, you should have everything you need to begin using Kubeapps productively on a VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ cluster.

In case of difficulties, reach out to the developers at #kubeapps on Kubernetes Slack (click here to sign up). You can also open a GitHub issue to report problems or bugs.

Learn more about the topics discussed in this guide using the links below.

Background and Context

Step 1: Configure an Identity Management Provider in the Cluster

Step 2: Configure and Install Kubeapps

Step 3: Add Application Repositories to Kubeapps

Step 4: Deploy and Manage Applications with Kubeapps

Getting started

Discover how to deploy Kubeapps in your cluster, add some package repositories and start managing your applications!